Dómarakynning fyrir próf Vorsteh deildar 10 – 12 október.


Anna og Tore

Hér kemur kynning þeirra hjóna Anne og Tore. Anne mun verða með fyrirlestur um uppeldi hvolpa sem verður nánar auglýstur síðar.


Educated nurse and working in home nursing service. Loved dogs all her life and got her first own dog 1971. NKK’s breeder education.

First own litter 1982 and delivered between 25-30 litters.

Married in 1983 to


Together parents of two boys and one girl and grandparents of Ulrik (2) and maybe another boy before Iceland trip.

Tore had his whole working carrier in Bergen Fire Brigade. Now retired. Hunter and had his first GSP in 1978.First litter 1981.

Judge of working competitions since early 80es and had several trips to Iceland before.

Together they have Rugdelias Kennel, which has got Two times Norwegian Vorsteh Club’s Breeder’s Price, based on huntingtest results(and have points enough for four more prices the next years).

Also Norwegian Kennel Klub’s Breeder’s Price as the only Vorstehbreeder in Norway. This is based on both national and international success with their dogs in both shows and hunting skills through at least three dog-generations own breeding. Breeding healthy dogs is also an important criteria.

Rugdelias has presented many Show champions, Hunting champions and Winner titles, two times Junior World Winner and one time World Winner in FCI-WWShows.

Dogs sold to and won hunting prices in 6 different countries

Vorsteh of the year, Woodhunter-vorsteh of the Year and Young dog of the Year with several different dogs. in Norway. Also best breeding dog in Sweden.

Both of them have had several different commissions in dog clubs all the time since they started this hobby. Now Tore is representing Norway for continental hunting dogs gr 7 in FCI. He is also leader of Norwegian Vorsteh Club.

Anne Grete is leader of Show Comity in VFK. Also member of Working test Comity and leader of hunting tests. Many years of representing in NKK..

Both are active in hunting competitions and mostly AG also in shows.

They have a goal to breed dogs that are healthy and good tempered. Being together with them should be joyful both for people and other dogs. Besides they should be good hunting dogs, and being able to win prices both in working tests and shows.




Andreas er fæddur 1974 og mun fagna 40 ára afmæli sínu á Íslandi.

Hér er hans kynning:

I have hunted with KV since i was a child. Had an breeding wich gave me my best hunting dog ever KV NUCH Raissa, there were three brothers starting on trial of this breed, all became winner class dogs, and one NJCH Gappo. Have also breeded kv with Markusfjellet kennel.

I also have setters and have just now one GS witch is NJCH Langsundets Faun, he is an forest specialist. I also have one american import witch trialed on Norwegian Derby last year.

I hunt a lot on forest and mountain, even moutain grouse in winter time with my dogs.

Became a judge in 2002, have a lot of expirience as a judge. Had a big role in 2011, judged the norwegian chapionchip highland final



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